Friday, May 11, 2012

Comment On Allison's

I believe the issue of abortion is analyzed in a close minded situation. Abortion goes far beyond politics, and civil rights. Abortion seems to be a human right. I feel abortion has always been a choice. It was a choice before government stepped in to regulate it. This medical procedure should not be analyzed like a common political issue. Like you said its been around since settlers had settled the land, before an actual government was in place. Abortion seems like a universal right to any lady.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Obama supports same sex marriage.

In this article the author accuses President Obama of being cynical. Obama recently and hastily arranged an interview to speak about his endorsement towards the issue of same sex marriages.  The author has many strong points, including the time frame that the president announces his endorsement. When reports start flowing in about un-happy younger , and liberal supporters. Also to point out that “gay” donors to the democrats had threatened to stop the money. He addresses this spontaneous topic as “evolution”.
The author inputs proof on obamas past elections before becoming president. Such when he was running for US Senate in 2004, he disavowed “being for” same sex marriage.  Obama had always specified his relation with the church as a Christian, respecting his traditions and religious beliefs. Its not very Christian of him to believe in same sex marriage or “evolution”.
I Agree with the author, I feel that Obama is just selling out “hope” for the gain of votes. The time of year that he chose to speak out makes it obvious that its too gain the lead over the race in November. Of course I don’t believe that there is anything wrong with giving the people “hope and promises” ,but after the last election and the few “promises” that were kept, its hard to give Obama “hope”.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

"Candidate" Obama

President Obama goes back to his roots from the election in 08, appealing to the same topics of “hope and Change”.
Through out the whole speech Obama appeals to the same rhetoric topics as he did in 08, but with a twist. Instead of just focusing on “hope and change” he contradicts Romney’s previous speeches.  He points out obvious issues such as taxes, the war in Iraq and etc. He compares himself as more of an ordinary man compared to Romney. Obama intended to point out the flaws in Romney’s “plans”. Yet while attempting to prosper with “hope and change” the republicans, quick on their feet, point out the few amount of “changes” that Obama had promised back in 2008.
